--- title: "Introduction to ggquickeda" author: "Samer Mouksassi" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette resource_files: - img/snapshot1.gif - img/snapshot3.1.png - img/snapshot4.1.png vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to ggquickeda} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` This R package/Shiny app is a handy interface to `ggplot2`/`table1`. It enables you to quickly explore your data to detect trends on the fly. You can do scatter plots, dotplots, boxplots, barplots, histograms, densities and summary statistics tables. For a quick overview using an older version of the app head to this Youtube Tutorial . This intro will walk you through making a plot and a summary table. ``` # Install from CRAN: install.packages("ggquickeda") library(ggquickeda) run_ggquickeda() ``` After launching the app with `run_ggquickeda()` and clicking on use sample_data: The app will load the built-in example dataset and map the first column to y variable(s) and the second column to x variable and a simple scatter plot with points will be generated: ![select sample_df.csv](./intro_1.png){width=100%} We want to look at the Column Conc (concentration of drug in blood) versus Time joining each Subject data with a line: * Change the mapped y variable(s) from ID to Conc (remove the default selection of ID by clicking on the small x and then select Conc) * Switch to the **Points, Lines** tab and select Lines (you can also choose another symbol for points and play with point sizes and transparency) ![select sample_df.csv](./intro_2.png){width=100%} Wait something is wrong! We forgot to tell the app that we want to group by ID. * Go Back to **Color/Group/Split/Size/Fill Mappings** tab and select ID for the Group By: ![select sample_df.csv](./intro_3.png){width=100%} While we are on this tab let us map Color By:, Column Split:, Linetype By: and Shape By: to Gender ![select sample_df.csv](./intro_4.png){width=100%} Now we want to add a loess trend line: * Go to **Smooth/Linear/Logistic Regressions** and click on the Smooth radio button: ![select sample_df.csv](./intro_5.png){width=100%} After we made the plot we wanted, now we are interested to do a summary statistics of Weight and Age columns by Gender this will require the following steps: * Change the mapped y variable(s) to Weight, Age and Race * Change the mapped x variable to Gender * Go to **One Row by ID(s)** and select ID so we keep one row by ID * Go to **Descriptive Stats** tab (notice how you can use html codes for line breaks, superscript and subscript in the Quick HTML Labels. e.g. Weight(kg)) ![select sample_df.csv](./intro_6.png){width=100%} Now launch the application on your own data that is already in R and start exploring it: **`run_ggquickeda(yourdataname)`** Alternatively launch the application without any data and navigate to your csv file: **`run_ggquickeda()`**